The Sekai Project announced that it will release Animal Trail Girlish Square 2 on December 18th for PC via Steam. This is the direct sequel to Animal Trail Girlish Square and gives more development time for the characters.


In the story Animal Trail Girlish Square is not just a group of indie idols in Akihabara trying to make a name for themselves. Nakamori Taiga, a mere idol fan, discovers this and more when he sees that the magical girl outfits they wear on stage are not for show. These idols were real magical girls!

To Taiga's surprise, he discovers that the magical beings who grant the girls their magical costumes come from another world and are on Earth to gather happiness energy to save their world from destruction and see idols as the best way to accumulate it. One thing leads to another and Taiga is tapped to become the new manager of Animal Trail * Girlish Square!


Animal Trail Girlish Square 2 is developed by Whirlpool, a Japanese game developer known for its many bishoujo game titles, such as the NEKO-NIN visual novel series exHeart and Slobbish Dragon Princess.

It's worth remembering that both games feature adult content, but the Steam version will certainly be for all ages, and the uncut version should be released on Denpasoft.

Animal Trail Girlish Square 2 will be released on December 18th for PC via Steam.


MarK #mark

I like several different works, but with a tendency for strange and funny stories.

I like arts, games, drawings and interesting things.

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