ID: #4099
Título: Tegamibachi
Inglês: Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee
Japonês: テガミバチ
Keywords: tegamibachi
Tipo: Mangá
Capítulos: 100 capítulos
Volumes: 20 volumes
Status: Finalizado
Serialização: Jump SQ.
Autores: Hiroyuki Asada (História e Arte)
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Tegamibachi takes place in the land of AmberGround, a place of perpetual night only partially illuminated by an artificial sun. Lag Seeing works as a Letter Bee at the government delivery service named the Bee Hive. He travels with his Dingo, Niche, and her "pet," Steak and is entrusted with the hearts of everyone in AmberGround as he delivers their packages.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Tegamibachi

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