ID: #4474
Título: Ro-Kyu-Bu!
Japonês: ロウきゅーぶ!
Keywords: ro kyu bu
Tipo: Novel
Capítulos: 95 capítulos
Volumes: 15 volumes
Status: Finalizado
Gêneros: Escolar, Esportes
Autores: Tinkle (Arte), Sagu Aoyama (História)
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Hasegawa Subaru enters a basketball club of Nanashiba High School, but the activity of the club gets suspended because the club leader falls in love with an 11-year-old daughter of the coaching teacher. Subaru's aunt asks him to coach a basketball club of elementary school girls. At first, he is reluctant to teach small girls, but he devotes himself to the club as he knows the complex circumstances of them.

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Ro-Kyu-Bu!

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