Hinako Note
ID: #4312
Título: Hinako Note
Japonês: ひなこのーと
Keywords: hinako note
Tipo: Mangá
Capítulos: 68 capítulos
Volumes: 7 volumes
Status: Finalizado
Serialização: Comic Cune
Autores: Mitsuki (História e Arte)
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Hinako lives in the countryside and is poor at speaking. She wants to improve her speech to be able to talk to people fluently, so she moves to Tokyo and plans to join the drama club in high school. When she arrives, however, it turns out her boarding house is a secondhand bookstore, and a beautiful girl who eats books lives there.

Included one-shot:

Volume 4: Shujinkou Hajimemashita

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Hinako Note

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