
Arrived on Steam Survival: Fountain of Youth indie game from Odinsoft Inc. that was released via Early Access and will challenge you to survive on a Caribbean island while exploring the secrets and mysteries of an ancient civilization. The game will also win versions for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S when it is complete and its final release is carried out on Steam.

Survival: Fountain of Youth is a single-player survival game set in the Caribbean islands of the 16th century, you are the only shipwrecked survivor of Juan Ponce de Leon's legendary expedition after the Fountain of Youth. After waking up disoriented on an unknown island after a terrible storm, shipwrecked and stranded with limited resources, you must scramble to secure shelter, scavenge for food and water, and stay healthy as disease and predators close in.

Search for materials to assemble an arsenal of weapons and tools, from simple spears to gunpowder muskets, transform basic outhouses into cozy huts, and develop skills to spend Survival Points that unlock valuable perks. Surviving and escaping the islands requires careful planning and preparation, with wild animals and tropical storms throwing a wrench in the works.

Sail with various boats to explore new islands and locations. Start with a primitive raft before upgrading to capable Spanish ships that cut through the waves. Use ships as a floating base or set up camps on different islands to facilitate longer exploration quests to discover secrets and clues related to the story experience. Survival: Fountain of Youth encourages player-defined adventures and story-driven quests, allowing everyone to play at their own pace.

Create a base of operations to store crafting materials and tools before venturing out. Look for points of interest and clues related to the missing crew and the mysterious civilization that once called these islands home. Could the Fountain of Youth be here somewhere?

In the current version of Early Access you will be able to explore two extensive regions, the developers have plans for two major content updates adding new regions and islands during this period, as well as promising a fifth region coming in 1.0 and the console launch.

Survival: Fountain of Youth is now available on Steam via Early Access.

MarK #mark

I like several different works, but with a tendency for strange and funny stories.

I like arts, games, drawings and interesting things.

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