
Level Infinite announced that Goddess of Victory: NIKKE has surpassed 10 million downloads worldwide. An incredible mark since the game was released less than a week ago. And to celebrate, all players will receive 10 Advanced Recruitment Vouchers (summon tickets) upon joining the game. However, players must log in before November 23rd.

And to celebrate, the first extra character in the game was revealed Helm, a noble sea captain with a powerful anti-matter rifle, who is now available to be recruited. With the character's arrival, Level Infinite is giving away Amazon gift cards and plexiglass booths in a raffle, which interested parties can enter by following the game's official Twitter account, and retweeting post.

Watch the character trailer:

About the game Goddess of Victory: NIKKE

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE is set in a place where the earth has been destroyed by unidentified weapons called Rapture. Players will play as an Android called "NIKKE" to fight for humanity. The game makes use of advanced live2D and 2.5D paper folding technologies to make characters and battle animations more lively. The game also supports a cooperative mode, where players can finish missions with up to 4 players.

The game is a third-person shooter on mobile that puts players in control of a NIKKE gun, to fend off Rapture. Players will need to shoot enemies while managing their ammo count, enemy attacks, and using the right weapons for the jobs. With the power of animation and live2D and 2.5D technologies, you can experience everything from the sparks that fire from a gun to the characters' bodies trembling due to recoil. In addition, animations for using skills and detailed facial expressions are provided.

Allan Kardec #okardec

Programmer, Game Developer, Indie Games, Arts and Anime enthusiast.

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